Monday, July 13, 2009

Ohio-Part 2

On July 4th Chris and I went to see the Defiance fireworks with my Dad and Karen.

This is Dad and Karen chilling out. We got there really early in order to get a good spot:)
Emily, Shiloh, and I having fun and eating chips and cookies! Yum! looks like I was the only one eating. Far from the truth.

Shiloh and Chris spent their time catching firebugs. You can't see them but they are in the Dr. Pepper bottle. Chris likes to shake up the bottle to make them glow. They were at it for quite a while trying to catch them by the river. I could have mentioned to them that there were a lot by where I was sitting, but why ruin their fun. I think they ended up with 6 bugs.

Here are some fireworks. Bad picture but you get the idea.


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